★ Xorro-p2p
Xorro-P2P is a peer-to-peer file sharing application build from scartch by myself and my two teammates. This project is meant to be shared with the community and used to expose the different features and steps needed in order to build a P2P file transfer system.
- Full implementation of Kademlia distributed hash table build from scratch in Ruby
- Easy file upload throungh drag and drop function built by FileReader API
- Promote File redundancy through file distributed and shard retrieval from multiple sources
Visit Xorro project site to learn more

Other Projects
A project management app styled on Trello
- Create and delete Lists/Cards
- Lists/Cards drag and drop function
- Cards edit: toggle/create labels, add description/comments/due date
- Notifications: actions on subscribed card will show in notifications
- Key word search of card
A link-aggregator app inspired by Reddit
- User sign-up/in/out and authentication
- Create/edit posts
- Comment on posts
- Vote on posts and comments
- Organize posts by category
- View and edit user profiles
- Slugs as URLs